Meeting Name: City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/15/2024 6:00 PM Vote Summary Status Final  
Meeting location: Broward Center for the Performing Arts - Mary N. Porter Riverview Ballroom - 201 SW 5th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Vote Summary Vote Summary Vote Summary  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: Meeting Minutes
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0990 1  MOTIONMinutes for September 17, 2024, Commission Joint Workshop with Charter Revision Board, September 17, 2024, Commission Conference Meeting and September 17, 2024, Commission Regular Meeting - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
24-1009 1PRES-1 PRESENTATIONSMayor Trantalis to present a Proclamation declaring October 15, 2024, as Abbas Karimi and Marty Hendrick Day in the City of Fort LauderdalePRESENTED  Action details Not available
24-1001 1PRES-2 PRESENTATIONSCommissioner Sturman to present a Proclamation declaring October 7-11, 2024, as Customer Service Week in the City of Fort LauderdalePRESENTED  Action details Not available
24-1013 1PRES-3 PRESENTATIONSCommissioner Pamela Beasley-Pittman to present a District III Community Appearance "WOW" Award (Giles-Stuart Residence)PRESENTED  Action details Not available
24-0849 1CM-1 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving an Outdoor Event Agreement and Related Road Closures with South Florida Exotic Car Toy Rally, LLC for the South Florida Exotic Car “TOY RALLY”, to benefit Toys for Tots - (Commission District 1)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0955 1CM-2 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving an Outdoor Event Agreement and Related Road Closures with Twinsplace LLC for Friday Dining in the Streets - (Commission District 1)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0978 1CM-3 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving an Outdoor Event Agreement and Related Road Closures with Vegan Ventures LLC for the Vegan Block Party - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0921 1CM-4 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving an Outdoor Event Agreement and Related Road Closures with Next Weekend Productions, Inc for the Cornucopia of Praise Gospel Concert - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0980 1CM-5 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving an Outdoor Event Agreement with Victoria Park Civic Association, Inc. for the Victoria Park Civic Association Annual Halloween Event - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0909 1CM-6 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving FY 2025 Beach Business Improvement District (BBID) Grant Participation Agreement with A&R Enterprises of So. FL. Inc. - $175,000 - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0910 1CM-7 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving FY 2025 Beach Business Improvement District (BBID) Grant Participation Agreement with Winterfest Inc. - $15,000 - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0911 1CM-8 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving FY 2025 Beach Business Improvement District (BBID) Grant Participation Agreement with Greater Fort Lauderdale Food & Wine Festival, Inc. - $70,000 - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0912 1CM-9 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving FY 2025 Beach Business Improvement District (BBID) Grant Participation Agreement with TMF Holdco LLC, to Produce the Tortuga Music Festival - $225,000 - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0913 1CM-10 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving FY 2025 Beach Business Improvement District (BBID) Grant Participation Agreement with Lauderdale Air Show, LLC - $75,000 - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0914 1CM-11 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving FY 2025 Beach Business Improvement District (BBID) Grant Participation Agreement with FlockFest Events Inc. - $25,000 - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0915 1CM-12 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving FY 2025 Beach Business Improvement District (BBID) Grant Participation Agreement with UniteUs Group Inc. - $10,000 - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0938 1CM-14 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for Right-of-Way Land Above the Henry E. Kinney Tunnel - (Commission District 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0994 1CM-15 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving the First Amendment to Comprehensive Agreement Developing a Full-Service Movie Studio Complex at 1400 NW 31st Avenue - (Commission District 3)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-1012 1CM-16 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving Change Order No. 1 for the Galt Ocean Mile Beautification Improvements - Chen Moore and Associates, Inc. - $61,435 and extend the contract term by 114 days - (Commission District 1)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0965 1CM-17 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Eliminating July 15, 2025, and August 5, 2025, Conference and Regular Meetings for Vacation - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0807 1CR-1 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Approving the Secondary Street Name of Northwest 16th Avenue, between Northwest 8th Street and Sunrise Boulevard, to also be known as "Ada Bradley Moore Lane" - (Commission District 3)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0904 1CR-2 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Imposing Special Assessment Liens for Lot Clearing - (Commission Districts 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0905 1CR-3 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Imposing Special Assessment Lien for Graffiti Removal - (Commission District 3)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0937 1CR-4 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Approving the Seventh Amendment to the Landscape Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement for State Road 838 with the Florida Department of Transportation for Landscape Improvements within the Right-of Way of State Road 838 - (Commission District 2)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0976 1CR-5 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Authorizing Retention of Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP (“Robbins Geller”) as Special Counsel to the Board of Trustees of the General Employees’ Retirement Plan for the Purpose of Seeking Lead Plaintiff Status and Robbins Geller’s appointment as Class Counsel in Mueller v. Endava plc, et al., Civil Action No. 1:24-cv-06423, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0979 1CR-6 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Correcting Scrivener’s Errors in Resolution No. 24-182 Pertaining to the Fiscal Year 2025 Personnel Complement for the City of Fort Lauderdale - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0989 1CR-7 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Approving the Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Agreement with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County, Inc. to Provide Benches and Trash Receptacles - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0993 1CR-8 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Approving an Assignment of the Comprehensive Agreement Between Fort Lauderdale Studio Initiative, LLC and Infinite Realty, Inc., Related to a Comprehensive Agreement to Develop a Full-Service Movie Studio Complex at 1400 NW 31st Avenue, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Consent to the Assignment of Comprehensive Agreement - (Commission District 3)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0998 1CR-9 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Approving a FY 2025 Not for Profit Service Agreement between the City of Fort Lauderdale and Taskforce Fore Ending Homelessness, Inc., for the Fort Lauderdale Housing Navigation Program in the amount of $315,260 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-1031 1CR-10 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Authorizing Execution of an Easement with Florida Power and Light Company at Snyder Park - 3299 SW 4th Avenue - (Commission District 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0946 1CR-11 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Approving City of Fort Lauderdale FY 2025 Not for Profit Grant Participation Agreement with Museum of Discovery and Science, Inc., - $214,800 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0963 1CR-12 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Approving a MissionSquare Retirement Governmental Money Purchase Plan Adoption Agreement (“Adoption Agreement”) to Apply for a Defined Contribution “401(a)” Plan for Elected Officials, and Authorizing the Director of Finance to Execute the Adoption Agreement and any Other Documents Incidental to the Adoption Agreement- (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0880 1CP-1 CONSENT PURCHASEMotion Approving an Agreement for the Proprietary Purchase of Annual Maintenance and Support for the Motorola 800 MHz P25 Trunked Radio System Equipment, Two-way Subscriber Radios, SUA, P1-CAD Interface, Components and Accessories - Motorola Solutions, Inc. - $624,225.72 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0886 1CP-2 CONSENT PURCHASEMotion Approving an Agreement for the Executive Airport Decorative Street Post Phase II Project - Horsepower Electric Inc. - $428,859.20 - (Commission District 1)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0908 1CP-3 CONSENT PURCHASEMotion Approving Agreements for Event Equipment Rental - South Florida Event Rental, Inc. and All Star Bounce, Inc.- $130,000 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0883 1CM-13 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Authorizing Execution of a Five-Year Dockage Facility Use Agreement with Coastal Conservation Association, Inc. - (Commission Districts 2 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-0986 1M-1 MOTIONMotion Approving the Final Ranking of Firms, Negotiated Fee Schedules, and Agreements for Professional Engineering and Program Support Services for Citywide Undergrounding of Overhead Utilities - Craven, Thompson & Associates, Inc. and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-1020 1M-2 MOTIONMotion Approving The Agreement Between The School Board of Broward County and The City of Fort Lauderdale Regarding Use of SBBC's Private Wireless Network - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-1018 1M-3 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving Change Order No. 18 for Construction Management at Risk Services for New Police Headquarters - Moss & Associates, LLC - $996,133.33 - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
24-1003 1R-1 RESOLUTIONAppointment of Board and Committee Members - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0744 1R-2 RESOLUTIONResolution Accepting the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee’s (AHAC) 2024 Affordable Housing Incentive Report and Authorizing the Submission to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0941 1R-3 RESOLUTIONResolution Levying the Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Millage Rate of 0.6368 and Debt Service Millage Rate of 0.4065 of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) of the City of Fort Lauderdale - (Commission Districts 2 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0746 1R-4 RESOLUTIONQuasi-Judicial Resolution - Amendment to a Site Plan Level IV Beach Development Permit - Birch Road, LLC. And Cheston MM, LLC. - 530 North Birch Road - Case No. UDP-A24035 - (Commission District 2) Anyone wishing to speak must be sworn in. The Commission will announce any site visits, communications or expert opinions received and make them part of the record.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0751 1R-5 RESOLUTIONQuasi-Judicial Resolution - Approving an Amendment to Site Plan Level II Development Permit and Alternative Design Deviation - Flagler Sixth, LLC - Flagler Sixth South - Case No. UDP-A24012 - (Commission District 2) Anyone wishing to speak must be sworn in. The Commission will announce any site visits, communications or expert opinions received and make them part of the record.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0752 1R-6 RESOLUTIONQuasi-Judicial Resolution - Approving an Amendment to Site Plan Level II Development Permit and an Alternative Design Deviation - Flagler Sixth, LLC - Flagler Sixth North - Case No. UDP-A24011 - (Commission District 2) Anyone wishing to speak must be sworn in. The Commission will announce any site visits, communications or expert opinions received and make them part of the record.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0972 1R-7 RESOLUTIONCity Auditor Annual Performance Review - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
24-0953 1PH-1 PUBLIC HEARINGPublic Hearing - Quasi-Judicial Ordinance Rezoning from Residential Multifamily Mid Rise - Medium High Density (RMM-25) District to Northwest Regional Activity Center-Mixed-Use Northeast (NWRAC-MUne) District Located at 900 NW 1st Avenue - KP Storage, LLC. - Case No. UDP-Z24003 - (Commission District 2) Anyone wishing to speak must be sworn in. The Commission will announce any site visits, communications or expert opinions received and make them part of the record.DEFERREDPass Action details Not available
24-0931 1OSR-1 ORDINANCE SECOND READINGSecond Reading - Ordinance Amending the City of Fort Lauderdale Unified Land Development Regulations (ULDR) Section 47-21, Landscape and Tree Preservation Requirements - Case UDP-T24007 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
24-1005 1OSR-2 ORDINANCE SECOND READINGSecond Reading - Ordinance Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. C-04-05 of the City of Fort Lauderdale Allowing Affiliated Agency Employees Who Were in the Employ of the Affiliated Agency as of January 21, 2004, to Purchase Prior Service Credit in the General Employees’ Retirement System - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available