Meeting Name: City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/5/2023 6:00 PM Vote Summary Status Final  
Meeting location: The Parker 707 Northeast 8th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Vote Summary Vote Summary Vote Summary  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-0643 1  MOTIONMinutes for May 16, 2023, Commission Regular Meeting, June 6, 2023, Commission Joint Workshop with Economic Development Advisory Board, and June 6, 2023, Commission Conference Meeting - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
23-0655 1PRES-1 PRESENTATIONSCommissioner Sturman will present a Proclamation declaring July 2023, as Park and Recreation Month in the City of Fort LauderdalePRESENTED  Action details Not available
23-0656 1PRES-2 PRESENTATIONSCommissioner Glassman to present a Proclamation declaring July 8, 2023, as FlockFest Day in the City of Fort LauderdalePRESENTED  Action details Not available
23-0657 1PRES-3 PRESENTATIONSCommissioner Glassman to present a Proclamation declaring August 6 -11, 2023, as JCC Maccabi Games & Access Week in the City of Fort LauderdalePRESENTED  Action details Not available
23-0658 1PRES-4 PRESENTATIONSRecognition of the 2022 Community Appearance Award WinnersPRESENTED  Action details Not available
23-0385 1CM-1 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving the Third Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with the Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization for Administrative Services - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0483 1CM-2 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving a Service Agreement with DJ The Artiste LLC for a Mural at Mills Pond Park - $8,160- (Commission District 3)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0576 1CM-3 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving a License Application and Agreement for the Sale, Service, and Consumption of Food and Alcoholic Beverages on the Public Beach for DiamondRock FL Tenant, LLC d/b/a The Westin Beach Resort and Spa - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0598 1CM-4 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving Agreement for Hauling and Disposal Services - Cemetery and Other Soils - MST Scrap Metal Inc.- $268,200 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0600 1CM-5 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving Agreement for the Bill Keith Preserve Shoreline Stabilization - CO Services LLC - $441,827 - (Commission District 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0627 1CM-6 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving Interlocal Agreement with Broward County to Conduct a Study for “Evaluation of Changes to the Salinity Distribution within the Surficial Aquifer under Projected Future Hydrologic Conditions, Broward County, Florida” - $87,437 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0632 1CM-7 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving Agreement with the School Board of Broward County, Florida for the School Resource Officer Summer School Program - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0637 1CM-8 CONSENT MOTIONMotion Approving the Second Amendment to the Purchase and Sale Agreement Between The Pantry Lofts Ltd. as successor to Green Mills Holdings, LLC and the City of Fort Lauderdale and the Local Government Support Letter - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0537 1CR-3 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Accepting a Grant from Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida Forest Service Division in the amount of $25,000 and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute any and all Agreements and Documents Necessary and Incidental thereto - (Commission District 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0341 1CR-1 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Approving the Consolidated Budget Amendment to Fiscal Year 2023 - Appropriation - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0524 1CR-2 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Imposing Special Assessment Liens for Lot Clearing - (Commission Districts 2, 3 and 4)REMOVED FROM AGENDA  Action details Not available
23-0623 1CR-4 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Authorizing the Execution of a Sovereignty Submerged Land Easement with the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida / BOT FILE NO. 061230996 - North New River Canal - (Commission District 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0625 1CR-5 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Accepting Grant Funds from the United States Department of Homeland Security, Urban Area Security Initiative, State of Florida Division of Emergency Management through the City of Miami, FY 2022 Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI), for $454,516 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0669 1CR-6 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution Amending Resolution No. 23-123 to Clarify the Manner of Membership Appointment and Term of Appointment to the Homeless Advisory Committee - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0648 1CR-7 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution appointing the law firm of Greenberg Traurig, P.A. as Special Counsel in connection with Financing for the design and construction of the New Federal Courthouse Parking Garage - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0670 1CR-8 CONSENT RESOLUTIONResolution appointing the law firm of Nabors Giblin & Nickerson P.A. as Special Counsel in connection with Police Legal Advising Matters - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0557 1CP-1 CONSENT PURCHASEMotion Approving Agreement for Records Storage, Retrieval and Disposal Services - Access Information Management Corporation - $501,894 (estimated three-year total) - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0586 1CP-2 CONSENT PURCHASEMotion Approving an Agreement and Change Order No. 16 for Design-Build Services associated with the Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Center Renovation Project, RFP No. 12072-483 - Hensel Phelps Construction Company - $13,155 - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0587 1CP-3 CONSENT PURCHASEMotion Approving an Agreement and Change Order No. 2 for the Design and Construction associated with the Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Center South Building - Hensel Phelps Construction Company - ($48,742) - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0638 1M-1 MOTIONMotion Approving an Event Agreement and Related Road Closures for MASS District Events - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0645 1M-2 MOTIONMotion Approving Amendment to Agreement to Increase Annual Amount for Fireworks - 4th of July - Pyrotecnico Fireworks, Inc. - from $121,100 to $171,100 - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0645 1  MOTIONMotion Approving Amendment to Agreement to Increase Annual Amount for Fireworks - 4th of July - Pyrotecnico Fireworks, Inc. - from $121,100 to $171,100 - (Commission District 2)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0645 1  MOTIONMotion Approving Amendment to Agreement to Increase Annual Amount for Fireworks - 4th of July - Pyrotecnico Fireworks, Inc. - from $121,100 to $171,100 - (Commission District 2)APPROVED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
23-0299 1M-3 MOTIONMotion Approving Final Ranking, Negotiated Fee Schedule and Agreement for General Engineering Aviation Consultant Services Continuing Contract - HDR, Inc. and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. - $2,500,000 - (Commission District 1)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0630 1M-4 MOTIONMotion Approving Revised Agreement for the Bayview, Hortt and Riverside Parks Improvements - Sagaris Corp. - $1,729,478 - (Commission Districts 1 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0640 1M-5 MOTIONMotion Approving an Agreement for the Osceola Creek Restoration Project - CHC Marine Services, LLC - $6,186,100 - (Commission District 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0650 1M-6 MOTIONMotion Approving the First Amendment to the Lease Agreement between 1 East Broward Owner LLC and the City of Fort Lauderdale, in Substantially the Form Provided - $2,158,189 (38-Month Rent) - (Commission District 2)APPROVED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
23-0671 1M-7 MOTIONMotion Rejecting All Proposals for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Implementation, Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 12738-1035 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0538 1M-8 MOTIONMotion Approving Agreement for the Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport Runway 31 Bypass and Taxiway Golf Pavement Rehabilitation - Weekley Asphalt Paving, Inc. - $2,272,269.25 - (Commission District 1)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0029 1M-9 MOTIONMotion Approving a Comprehensive Agreement with Las Olas Parking Solutions, LLC for the Development, Operation, and Maintenance of a Multi-Use Structure with Public Parking, a Fire-Rescue/EMS Substation, and Retail, at the Southeast Corner of SE 2nd Court and SE 8th Avenue - (Commission District 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0660 1R-1 RESOLUTIONAppointment of Board and Committee Members - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
23-0509 1R-2 RESOLUTIONResolution Waiving the Formal Competitive Solicitation and Selection Processes Pursuant to Division 2., Procurement, of Article V. of Chapter 2 of the City of Fort Lauderdale Procurement Ordinance, for Purchases of Goods and Services; and Approving a Pilot Program via a License Agreement with Slinkydog, LLC for Pixar Putt Putt utilizing the Las Olas Garage Rooftop - (Commission District 2)REMOVED FROM AGENDA  Action details Not available
23-0599 2R-3 RESOLUTIONResolution Approving a Federally Funded Subaward and Grant Agreement for DR-4680 - Hurricane Nicole, and delegating to the City Manager the authority to execute the Agreement and any related documents, and to approve and execute any modifications of the Agreement - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0433 1PH-1 PUBLIC HEARINGPublic Hearing - Quasi Judicial Resolution Denying a Waiver of Limitations at 801 SW 6th Street, for the Installation of Three (3) Triple Mooring Pile Clusters Extending a Maximum of 50’+/- - (Commission District 4) Anyone wishing to speak must be sworn in. Commission will announce any site visits, communications or expert opinions received and must make them part of the recordADOPTED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
23-0686 1  MOTIONWALK-ON - Motion to Extend Commission Meeting until 11pmAPPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0589 1PH-2 PUBLIC HEARINGPublic Hearing - Quasi Judicial Resolution Approving a Waiver of Limitations as to the lack of a principal building at outparcel tied to 831 Solar Isle Drive (Parcel ID # 5042 12 08 0650), for the installation of one (1) boatlift and two (2) finger piers extending a maximum distance of 23’7” +/- into the adjacent waters of Rio Coral Canal - (Commission District 2)ADOPTED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
23-0591 1PH-3 PUBLIC HEARINGPublic Hearing - Quasi Judicial Resolution Approving a Waiver of Limitations at 900-910 NE 20th Avenue for the Installation of (a) one (1) Dock Extension and (b) four (4) Mooring Piles Extending a Maximum Distance of 68.7’ +/- into the Waters of Middle River - (Commission District 2)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0593 1PH-4 PUBLIC HEARINGPublic Hearing - Quasi Judicial Resolution Approving a Waiver of Limitations at Water’s Edge, a condominium located at 321 N. Birch Road, for the installation of two (2) 50.3’+/- x 8.7’+/- wave attenuating/breakwater floating docks extending a maximum of 57’+/- into the adjacent waters of the Intracoastal Waterway - (Commission District 2)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0520 1PH-5 PUBLIC HEARINGPublic Hearing - Quasi-Judicial Ordinance Approving a Rezoning from Residential Mid Rise Multifamily/Medium High Density (RMM-25) District to Community Facility (CF) District - 1900, 1930 and 1940 NE 47 Street and 1901, 1911 and 1921 NE 46 Street- Holy Cross Hospital, Inc. and MAR Property Holdings, Inc.- Case No. UDP-Z22030 - (Commission District 1) Anyone wishing to speak must be sworn in. Commission will announce any site visits, communications or expert opinions received and make them part of the record.PASSED FIRST READINGPass Action details Not available
23-0558 1OFR-1 ORDINANCE FIRST READINGFirst Reading - Ordinance Repealing Section 28-172 Meter for Temporary Use - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)PASSED FIRST READINGPass Action details Not available
23-0588 1OFR-2 ORDINANCE FIRST READINGFirst Reading - Ordinance Amending Chapter 11, Code Enforcement, Article II Section 11-3, Jurisdiction of Board and Special Magistrate, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Lauderdale to Establish a Lien Amnesty Program and to Provide for Temporary Suspension of Section 11-3(c) During Periods of Lien Amnesty - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)PASSED FIRST READINGPass Action details Not available
23-0687 1  MOTIONWALK-ON - Motion to Extend Commission Meeting until 11:30pmAPPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0651 1OSR-1 ORDINANCE SECOND READINGSecond Reading - Ordinance to Amend City of Fort Lauderdale Unified Land Development Regulations (ULDR) Section 47-24.11 to Include an Option to Designate Thematic Historic Districts and to Amend Existing Historic Preservation Criteria and Procedures - Case No. UDP-T22007 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)DEFEATEDFail Action details Not available
23-0354 1BGT-1 RESOLUTIONResolution Setting the Fiscal Year 2024 Proposed Millage Rate and Debt Service Rate for the City of Fort Lauderdale, Setting the Millage Rate for the Sunrise Key Neighborhood Improvement District, and Acknowledging the Receipt of the City Manager’s Budget Message and Proposed Budget - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0355 1BGT-2 MOTIONMotion Setting the Public Hearing Dates to Consider the Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Millage Rate and Budget for the City of Fort Lauderdale and Sunrise Key Neighborhood Improvement District - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0356 1BGT-3 MOTIONMotion Setting the Proposed FY 2024 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Rate and Public Hearing Date for the Lauderdale Isles Water Management District Tentative Budget - (Commission District 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0357 1BGT-4 MOTIONMotion Establishing a Public Hearing Date for the Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment - Nuisance Abatement - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
23-0358 1BGT-5 RESOLUTIONPreliminary Rate Resolution for the Fire Assessment Establishing the Estimated Fiscal Year 2024 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Rate and Authorizing a Public Hearing on September 13, 2023 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0359 1BGT-6 RESOLUTIONPreliminary Rate Resolution for the Beach Business Improvement Assessment Establishing the Estimated FY 2024 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Rate and Authorizing a Public Hearing on September 13, 2023 - (Commission District 2)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0360 1BGT-7 RESOLUTIONPreliminary Rate Resolution for the Fiscal Year 2024 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment for Utility Undergrounding and Authorizing a Public Hearing on September 13, 2023 - (Commission District 2)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0535 1BGT-8 RESOLUTIONPreliminary Annual Assessment Resolution for the Stormwater Assessment Initiating the Process for Imposing the Fiscal Year 2024 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment and Authorizing a Public Hearing on September 13, 2023 - (Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4)ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
23-0688 1  RESOLUTIONWALK-ON Resolution Rescheduling the August 15, 2023, Conference and Regular Meetings of the City Commission of the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to August 22, 2023ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available