File #: 24-1100    Version: 1 Name:
File created: 11/5/2024 In control: Transportation and Mobility
On agenda: 12/3/2024 Final action: 12/3/2024
Title: Resolution Approving a Landscape Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for Improvements within the Right-of-Way of State Road 5 (Federal Highway/US-1) at the Intersection of Sunrise Boulevard (Searstown Intersection) - (Commission District 2)
Sponsors: City Commission Regular Meeting
Attachments: 1. Commission Agenda Memo 24-1100, 2. Exhibit 1 - Landscape Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement, 3. Exhibit 2 - Location Map, 4. Exhibit 3 - Resolution, 5. RESOLUTION NO. 24-255, 6. CAM 24-1100 Resolution approving a landscape maintenance memorandum of agreement with the Florida Department of transportation for improvements with the right of way of state


Resolution Approving a Landscape Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for Improvements within the Right-of-Way of State Road 5 (Federal Highway/US-1) at the Intersection of Sunrise Boulevard (Searstown Intersection) - (Commission District 2)