File #: 24-1048    Version: 1 Name:
File created: 10/17/2024 In control: Parks and Recreation
On agenda: 12/3/2024 Final action: 12/3/2024
Title: Resolution Delegating the Authority to the City Manager to Execute a Project Agreement (BR-FL-24-160) with The Florida Inland Navigation District - Waterway Assistance Program for Grant Funding of up to $75,000 or 50% of Eligible Project Costs, whichever is less, to Design and Permit Boat Ramp Renovations at the Lauderdale Isles Landing (f/k/a “Riverland Woods Park” - (Commission District 4)
Sponsors: City Commission Regular Meeting
Attachments: 1. Commission Agenda Memo #24-1048, 2. Exhibit 1 – Grant Pre-Application, 3. Exhibit 2 – Grant Application, 4. Exhibit 3 – Project Agreement (BR-FL-24-160), 5. Exhibit 4 - Resolution, 6. RESOLUTION NO. 24-253, 7. CAM 24-1048 Grant application for 1.5 million- to find- Cooleys landing Marina replacement, 8. CAM 24-1048 Grant application for 1.5 million- to find- Coolyes landing Marina replacement BR-FL-24-160 Lauderdale Isles Landing Boat Ramp Renovation Ph I Agr-signed


Resolution Delegating the Authority to the City Manager to Execute a Project Agreement (BR-FL-24-160) with The Florida Inland Navigation District - Waterway Assistance Program for Grant Funding of up to $75,000 or 50% of Eligible Project Costs, whichever is less, to Design and Permit Boat Ramp Renovations at the Lauderdale Isles Landing (f/k/a “Riverland Woods Park” - (Commission District 4)