File #: 25-0103    Version: 1 Name:
File created: 1/7/2025 In control: Finance
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Title: Motion Approving Change Order No. 3 to Task Order No.19 for Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for the City Hall Parking Garage Emergency Repairs - Kittelson & Associates, Inc. - $86,888 - (Commission District 4)
Sponsors: City Commission Regular Meeting
Attachments: 1. Commission Agenda Memo 25-0103, 2. Exhibit 1 - CAM #21-0011, 3. Exhibit 2 - Executed Agreement, 4. Exhibit 3 - Notice to Proceed - Design Phase, 5. Exhibit 4 - Notice to Proceed - Construction Phase, 6. Exhibit 5 - Change Order No. 1, 7. Exhibit 6 - Change Order No. 2, 8. Exhibit 7 - Change Order No. 3


Motion Approving Change Order No. 3 to Task Order No.19 for Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for the City Hall Parking Garage Emergency Repairs - Kittelson & Associates, Inc. - $86,888 - (Commission District 4)